Wednesday, 7 May 2014


We live in a time when women harm one another,
When we downplay the value of a stay at home mother.
We are told we are not qualified to raise our own children,
So we should give them to strangers to make all of the decisions.
And a woman is worthless unless she earns a lot of bread,
Money is important, so we should be "independent" instead.
Where hard work with no monetary gain is synonymous with lazy,
And anyone who should teach their children is ignorant and crazy.

All of this judgement about homeschooling socialization
Has caused me to come to a somber realization;
It saddens me down to the core to say that it's true,
That social fulfillment is indeed, a huge issue.

My children are fine, they're socialized well, indeed.
The only one lonely in this home is little old me.
I've become criticized, boring and overworked in my dedication
To provide my children with good parenting and education.

Do me a favor, visit one of your mother friends,
Chat with her while she does chores, aide in help with her children.
Remind her she's intelligent, interesting and needed,
Allow her to start and finish something, let her feel she's succeeded.
Do this for the homeschooler, stay at home or working mother,
Do it because the world needs people who love one another.
Give something worth more than an internet message, birthday present or money,
Your time and support are the greatest gifts you can offer somebody.